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Giving Tuesday @ The Commonwealth

Hey friends,

We hope you'll support our meal ministry on this #GivingTuesday!

Before the pandemic, the free dinner we hosted was our largest gathering and embodied our core values of community, abundance, beauty and thankfulness. Oakland residents, university students, and neighbors experiencing homelessness gathered around our tables every month. Sadly, it hasn't been safe for us to meet indoors since March and that is one loss among many that we are grieving this season.

However, we were able to shift to distributing meals outdoors under the tent at Schenley Plaza. Since March, we have served over 500 meals there! We have continued to get food to hungry people and to help neighbors feel connected and cared for - often by delivering meals to people who can't safely join us. The catered meals support local business in the neighborhood. The distribution creates opportunities for volunteers to provide meaningful service. And, with the campuses being closed for most purposes, this has been the only safe way to meet new students this year and let them know there is a Jesus-centered faith community for them that values questions and celebrates LGBTQIA+ people.

The food is important because of the economic hardship many are experiencing. But the human connection is just as important during this time of social isolation.

These meals were initially made possible by some generous funding from Pittsburgh Presbytery to support new worshiping communities that were feeding people. Those funds are now exhausted. But the meals are so central to our community that our leadership team has decided to continue them through next year.

Your donation will provide the food, supplies, and logistics for our meal distribution. And it will also support the staff who coordinate volunteers, facilitate communication, and provide pastoral presence every month at the tent.

With gratitude for your partnership,

Mike & Erin

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